Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm Home!!!

Hi everyone!!! I'm home from my mission!! I just got home from serving my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission and learned Spanish... It was really good and amazing to experience!! :) I got home on September 4, 2013                    
                                                Me with Hermana Cruz from Honduras 
                                        My homecoming announcement in the newspaper
 Sister Beech, McBride, Montini, Me, Hermana Bills and Sister McShane at White Sands in Alamogordo, New Mexico. 
 At the Mission Home my last couple days of my mission with Sister Leonhardt, Elders Calderon, Stewart and Larson signing a New Mexico Flag for the Mission President and his Wife. (Wonderful People)
Me with my luggage heading to Albuquerque a couple days before I came home. 
Me Serving in Albuquerque.

                                                                 Me in one of my areas
                                Me with Sister Marble. She worked in the office. She is wonderful! 
                                         Me with a sweet girl from one of my areas!  
                             Me with my district in El Paso, Texas Sister Rathfon, Elders Hernandez, Stewart, Bath
                                                    and Calderon
The day i came home from my mission with my family. Mom, melissa, Cooter, Dad, Robbie, Lacey Chennille, Seiko, Lataya, Justin, Kaleb and Tiffany. At the Salt Lake Airport.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mission Call/ Temple Day

Hey guys!!
Its been awhile since logging on. Sorry about that.... Well I got my Mission Call.. I have been called to serve in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission. I will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish Language. I enter the Provo MTC on February 22, 2012. I am so excited and ready! I will definitely miss all my family and friends but I know this is something I need to do.
I posted my video of me opening my call on my page so check it out! =]

I've picked a temple day.. I have chosen to take my endowments out at the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple on Friday, December 16,2011. I am a bit nervous but ready!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Mission Papers

Hey Guys!!
So I started my Mission papers on September 27th.. My bishop created my account that Sunday (25th) but for some reason I wasn't able to log in until the following Tuesday.. I guess I already had an account on but just didn't know it.. I had to remember my password haha... Weirdest thing!! Well anyways... I had my dentist and doctor appointments already scheduled (because I was excited to start and bored).. My Dentist appointment was on Monday at 8am.. I had to schedule another appointment for Thursday at noon to get a cleaning.. The Dentist signed me off and sent my papers to the Bishops house.. Next came the Doctor. I was scheduled for Tuesday at 9am. Everything went well except when they had to draw blood, they had a hard time finding my veins.. I didn't eat breakfast because I thought It would be a quick appointment and then I would eat something.. I guess that was a wrong decision. They attempted to collect blood 7 times. I have 7 little holes in my arms. They found a spot and filled one little tube of blood but as they were filling the other one, I clotted and I guess they didn't notice at first so they moved the needle around to see if they could get the blood to flow and then they noticed the clot and pulled the needle out.. I ended up having to go eat something, drink plenty of fluids and come back later to get the other tube filled.. this is what my arm looked like a few days later.. this is the only bruise I have (and i am very proud of it.. at least i can show my "battle bruise" haha)

After all was completed, I went through everything to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I waiting till my mom came home from work and then i submitted may papers!! It was on Friday, October 7, 2011 @ 10:10pm!! My mom and dad were present!

My dad took my mission picture and I like this picture the best, What do you guys think??

I decided that I want to create a book that keeps all of my papers and anything to do with preparing for my mission.. This is what it looks like>>>

On Saturday (8th) morning, I called my bishop to let him know that I submitted my papers. He received my Dentist and Dr forms on Saturday but didn't check him mail till Sunday I'm guessing?? Well he finished what he needed to do and Submitted it on Either Sunday (8th) or Monday (9th) to the Stake President. I guess he had to hand deliver my DR and Dentist papers and so he did!! The Stake President has been out of town the week of 10-14th and so I am guessing I will probably get my interview this week (17-22). I am really excited and nervous but I know all will go well and Heavenly Father will send me where He needs me most!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

General Conference October 2011

One of my sisters texted me a few weeks ago and said that she was able to get the last three tickets her ward had to General Conference for the Saturday Evening session. My family was able to get tickets last year but we were late so decided not to go... It was such a bummer but I am really excited about this time!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stake Conference- Being a Wonderful Example, Thank you Sister Winn!

Hey Guys!!!
So How is everyone this fine day??? We I hope fantastic =]... Any who, Today was Stake Conference!! AND a WONDERFUL one I might add... The Theme was TRUE TO THE FAITH... I had the wonderful opportunity to meet President and Sister Winn, Mission President and his wonderful wife serving in the Salt Lake City South Mission. They Traveled up to little old Evanston, Wyoming and talk at the Conference.

(I hope President and Sister Winn don't mind i have this picture on my blog, they are beautiful people)

I also was delighted to hear from Elder and Sister Packer, Quorum of the Seventies.

My Dad, sister Melissa and my self went to the Adults Session Saturday Evening. Sister Winn talked about sharing the joy the gospel brings to our lived, We all have a calling and we should all reach out to those that don't have the gospel in their lives. President Winn talked about the miracles that happen in the mission field, the Lord is in charge and how much he loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. He asked a question that I think everyone should think about and answer to themselves...>> How has the hand of the Lord been influenced in my life?
A lot more wonderful things were said during conference but I won't want to put all my notes down.
After the Saturday Evening Session was concluded, I had my sister Melissa come with me to talk to President and Sister Winn. What a WONDERFUL couple! I could definitely feel the spirit. This may sound crazy but, I recognize Sister Winn but i can't figure out where.. It's the craziest thing.. After the Sunday Session was complete President and Sister Winn came up to us and I think the best thing happened and I DEFINITELY NEEDED IT.. Sister Winn gave me the BIGGEST hug I thing anyone could ever give me.. That meant so much to me. I don't think she realizes how much influence she has had on me just in the two days we met. My mom made the comment to Sister Winn "We sure wish sister missionaries were here, Chelsie has always wanted to go out with them." Sister Winn told me that once I receive my mission call and talk to President Matthews (stake president) I can go to Utah and go on splits with the sisters. I think that is the best opportunity and it will really help me prepare for my mission. I have always wanted to do this and I am SOOOOO EXCITED to be able to do that. Well that is my EXCITING news minute for the day... =]

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blogging again....

So Melissa had to come home from her mission because her knee came out of its place. She is doing okay but is in a lot of pain. The Dr wants to try therapy first to try and strengthen the muscle on the inner part of her left leg to see if her knee will go back where it needs to be. If that doesn't work then she will need to have surgery. I really hope all goes well and she wont need it.

I get to start my mission papers at the end of September!! I am so excited and i can't believe how fast the time flew by.. At Church on Sunday, one of the counselors in the Bishopric told me that I got a calling. I have been called to serve as a YSA (Young Single Adults) Representative. I excepted and he said that I would be set apart right after Stake Conference (2 weeks). This should be interesting. I know this is a calling from God so I will try by best!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temple NEWS

I have decided to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple on July 20, 2011. I chose this date because that is actually my parents anniversary! I was originally planning on going through on December 16th (my grandparents anniversary) but I asked my Stake president, President Matthews if it was to early to go through any time soon. He said that usually they like to wait until someone were to get their mission call before but he felt i was ready. I feel the same way, its an awesome feeling!! I am taking Temple Prep classes every Sunday Evening at the Stake Center at 7pm. The class is 7 weeks long and 1 lesson a week. I am really excited to be going through the temple, and someday marry a worthy, handsome, good smelling prince charming =]