Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm Home!!!

Hi everyone!!! I'm home from my mission!! I just got home from serving my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I served in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission and learned Spanish... It was really good and amazing to experience!! :) I got home on September 4, 2013                    
                                                Me with Hermana Cruz from Honduras 
                                        My homecoming announcement in the newspaper
 Sister Beech, McBride, Montini, Me, Hermana Bills and Sister McShane at White Sands in Alamogordo, New Mexico. 
 At the Mission Home my last couple days of my mission with Sister Leonhardt, Elders Calderon, Stewart and Larson signing a New Mexico Flag for the Mission President and his Wife. (Wonderful People)
Me with my luggage heading to Albuquerque a couple days before I came home. 
Me Serving in Albuquerque.

                                                                 Me in one of my areas
                                Me with Sister Marble. She worked in the office. She is wonderful! 
                                         Me with a sweet girl from one of my areas!  
                             Me with my district in El Paso, Texas Sister Rathfon, Elders Hernandez, Stewart, Bath
                                                    and Calderon
The day i came home from my mission with my family. Mom, melissa, Cooter, Dad, Robbie, Lacey Chennille, Seiko, Lataya, Justin, Kaleb and Tiffany. At the Salt Lake Airport.

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