Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blogging again....

So Melissa had to come home from her mission because her knee came out of its place. She is doing okay but is in a lot of pain. The Dr wants to try therapy first to try and strengthen the muscle on the inner part of her left leg to see if her knee will go back where it needs to be. If that doesn't work then she will need to have surgery. I really hope all goes well and she wont need it.

I get to start my mission papers at the end of September!! I am so excited and i can't believe how fast the time flew by.. At Church on Sunday, one of the counselors in the Bishopric told me that I got a calling. I have been called to serve as a YSA (Young Single Adults) Representative. I excepted and he said that I would be set apart right after Stake Conference (2 weeks). This should be interesting. I know this is a calling from God so I will try by best!


Anonymous said...

There is a time and place for everything. I also hope you older sister gets better.

Chelsie Jae said...

Thank You.. She is doing alot better.. THanks for your wonderful comment! I Believe there is a time and place for everything as well! =]

Chelsie Jae said...

Hi Melissa haha!! You Seem to be doing better!