Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Temple NEWS

I have decided to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple on July 20, 2011. I chose this date because that is actually my parents anniversary! I was originally planning on going through on December 16th (my grandparents anniversary) but I asked my Stake president, President Matthews if it was to early to go through any time soon. He said that usually they like to wait until someone were to get their mission call before but he felt i was ready. I feel the same way, its an awesome feeling!! I am taking Temple Prep classes every Sunday Evening at the Stake Center at 7pm. The class is 7 weeks long and 1 lesson a week. I am really excited to be going through the temple, and someday marry a worthy, handsome, good smelling prince charming =]

1 comment:

Mike Provard said...

Photograph of the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple (c)2009 by Michael Provard.