Monday, October 17, 2011

Mission Papers

Hey Guys!!
So I started my Mission papers on September 27th.. My bishop created my account that Sunday (25th) but for some reason I wasn't able to log in until the following Tuesday.. I guess I already had an account on but just didn't know it.. I had to remember my password haha... Weirdest thing!! Well anyways... I had my dentist and doctor appointments already scheduled (because I was excited to start and bored).. My Dentist appointment was on Monday at 8am.. I had to schedule another appointment for Thursday at noon to get a cleaning.. The Dentist signed me off and sent my papers to the Bishops house.. Next came the Doctor. I was scheduled for Tuesday at 9am. Everything went well except when they had to draw blood, they had a hard time finding my veins.. I didn't eat breakfast because I thought It would be a quick appointment and then I would eat something.. I guess that was a wrong decision. They attempted to collect blood 7 times. I have 7 little holes in my arms. They found a spot and filled one little tube of blood but as they were filling the other one, I clotted and I guess they didn't notice at first so they moved the needle around to see if they could get the blood to flow and then they noticed the clot and pulled the needle out.. I ended up having to go eat something, drink plenty of fluids and come back later to get the other tube filled.. this is what my arm looked like a few days later.. this is the only bruise I have (and i am very proud of it.. at least i can show my "battle bruise" haha)

After all was completed, I went through everything to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I waiting till my mom came home from work and then i submitted may papers!! It was on Friday, October 7, 2011 @ 10:10pm!! My mom and dad were present!

My dad took my mission picture and I like this picture the best, What do you guys think??

I decided that I want to create a book that keeps all of my papers and anything to do with preparing for my mission.. This is what it looks like>>>

On Saturday (8th) morning, I called my bishop to let him know that I submitted my papers. He received my Dentist and Dr forms on Saturday but didn't check him mail till Sunday I'm guessing?? Well he finished what he needed to do and Submitted it on Either Sunday (8th) or Monday (9th) to the Stake President. I guess he had to hand deliver my DR and Dentist papers and so he did!! The Stake President has been out of town the week of 10-14th and so I am guessing I will probably get my interview this week (17-22). I am really excited and nervous but I know all will go well and Heavenly Father will send me where He needs me most!

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