Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Temple Day

On April 13, 2011 Melissa and the rest of the family went to the Mount Timpanogus Temple. Melissa took out her Endowments! When I say "take out endowments", it sounds like she had surgery. It was a great day, but it was way windy. My dad, Nieces Lacey and Lataya, Nephew Kaleb and I dropped my Mom and Melissa off to the temple at 6:30pm and then headed over to my sisters house to drop the Kidos off so My dad could participate with Melissa and I could go do baptisms. I took my time with everything so i didn't have to wait FOREVER for everyone else to come out. So when i finished my hair and looked pretty good, I thought, I headed up to the waiting room to wait for everyone else. When i got up there, i saw Margery Butler, a good family friend waiting. I was kind of surprised to see her. That made me have that I didn't have to wait by my self. We had a good long chat. About 2 hours later, here me and Marge are sitting and waiting still. Then finally a couple people I know starts coming out, then comes Melissa, my parents, an aunt and some cousins.
All in all, the wait was kind of WOW but good to just sit in the temple (even if it was the waiting room) and just feel the spirit. It was a very spiritual day and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I have a good family!

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